I worked on High Vaultage ⚡, an in-uni project made in Unity as part of a group of 7 over the course of 6 weeks. The game was a parkour FPS in the same vein as Ghostrunner or Neon White.
I worked mostly as a gameplay programmer, helping create and implement the majority of the weapon system, level elements and the UI. I also worked on the settings menu 💻, and applying the graphical settings and control bindings.
All in all, High Vaultage turned out pretty well! This was my first project working in Unity, as I'd focused up until that point on Unreal Engine 4. The settings menu was a challenge but I was happy with its execution in the end. I was very proud of the weapons system, this was originally handled by another team member, but had to be reworked, as their original system switched on an Enum each frame 😅! Me and the team member worked together to achieve their vision in a much friendlier, object-oriented way 😊.